Thursday, November 15, 2007

You should go see these guys...really, you should.

Kurt Crandall and True Story have been playing at the Highway 99 Blues Club on Tuesdays for a couple of months now, mostly to an empty house. I know that getting out during the week is hard, but friends, these guys are worth the trip!

Kurt, a fine harp player and singer, has assembled some real Seattle blues veterans for the True Story band, including Tim Sherman on guitar, Patty May on bass, and the swingmaster David Hudson on drums. The band plays a lot of original tunes, including my favorite, "Pets Ain't People," about nutty pet owners. Check out the cool "Pink Panther" vamp at the end of this song.

I see that the band is going to be playing at forthcoming benefit for the Hudson Blues Band (to help finance their trip to Memphis next year) this month, so some folks will finally get to see them play. Check out their web page for the band's schedule, and then go see 'em. Tell them the Playboy sent ya.

Kurt Crandall and Tim Sherman

Kurt Crandall & True Story - left to right: Tim Sherman, Kurt Crandall, Patty Mey, and David Hudson

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